DE2A-L Theodolite


  • CAD: $1,073.80

The DE Laser Series model numbers that reflect angle accuracy and have common features. The laser line has good visibility under 200m. Horizontal and vertical angles can be obsewed simultaneously on the large LCD displays. Other standard features include a horizontal angle zero set,automatic power off to conserve batteries,and a battery life indicator on the LCD display.

SKU: DE2A-L Category:

Additional information

Weight 5.5 kg
Dimensions 180 × 175 × 355 mm



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Gcod visibility of the laser line.
·Large LCD display.
·Independent lilf sensor can auto-corrected.
·More convenience when the instruments is combined with the Diagonal Eyepiece.
·International common funofion modes are adopted to make operation simple and standard.
·Connected with eleclronic book makes data to be auto-recorded and auto-processed maps.


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